Thursday, January 31, 2008

ZOMG! It's The Weekend!

I love it when my weekends begin early. It seems to be happening a lot lately, which I attribute directly to the fake-ness of my job. I can't really complain, though. I get to ass-out and sleep-in 24 hours earlier than the majority of the working population.

I got paid today, which combined with having tomorrow off is almost too much awesome to handle. Every time I get a paycheck I feel like I have to buy something. Even if there is nothing that I particularly want or need, I feel as though if I don't run out and make a purchase that I haven't sufficiently justified getting up at 6:30 AM several times week. It's a disease, really.

I started a new project, which is an attempt to decorate my naked walls with cool stuff. It's tough, really. When you're a teenager and you can just head down to Spencer's Gifts and pick up the latest Carmen Elektra poster--problem solved. Now it's not that easy. I bought a Blue Velvet movie poster, but I haven't gotten a frame for it yet, so it's sitting sad and lonely in a cardboard tube in my room. I thought about going for a theme, like buying only David Lynch movie posters, or movie posters from foreign markets, but I couldn't decided if that would be lame or not.
"What are you doing in my closet, Jeffrey Beaumont?"

Speaking of movie posters, I was saddened by latest visit to when I found out that the three most popular movie posters were Rocky, Fight Club, and Scarface. So essentially what people are buying from this site are posters featuring the guy from Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, a shirt-less Brad Pitt, or a silhouette of Al Pacino holding a gun. The world is a sad, sad place.

I'm not sure what else I am going to get. Any suggestions? I've found that there a lot of cool prints out there, but they are just way too fucking small for the price. I just can't see myself paying $20-$30 for an 11" x 14."

My stomach is growling, even though I had a killer sandwich for lunch. I think I'll go make a smoothie and play some Rez on XBLA. Happy weekend, everybody!

It's motherfuckin' Rez.