Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Vertically Scheduled

When I first created this blog as an alternative to the voyeurism and self-importance that is Myspace.com I had good intentions of keeping it up to date. But like most endeavors I pursue these days, my efforts have been half-assed at best. Since my last update, a whole SHIT LOAD of stuff has happened--so here goes:

My friend Richard and I moved into an apartment together a few weeks ago, and so far the results have been somewhat of a mixed bag. Living with Richard is great; so don't go mad with the prospect of gossip, those of you who know Mr. Rodriguez, but there have been a few other issues . . . First of all, getting the Internet hooked up has been a battle worthy of a Tolkein novel movie adaptation. The motherfuckers over at Time Warner have their heads so far up their asses I'm amazed that they haven't sunk themselves into chapter eleven. I'm serious. Getting put on hold, and transferred, and put on hold again, and transferred to a guy named Fernando, then switched back to some woman, etc., etc . . . Now multiply that scenario by two weeks and raise it to a power of frustration capable of launching you into a murderous rampage and you'll get an idea of how I feel. It's sad to admit a dependency on the Internet, but you know what? That's just how it is today. I don't only use it for Halo/Team Fortress 2 playing, but for communication, and podcast listening, and hardcore pornography downloading, and so on. Today is the first day it has been working, and I'm crossing my fingers that it doesn't fuck up again.

In addition to the Internet Wars of 2007, we have began a squirmish with our downstairs neighbor. PIcture the most awful, buzzed headed, ex-military tattooed white trash dad in the universe, and you have our neighbor. You see, I suppose either the shell shock of war or several years of raising SHITTY kids has made our "friend" very sensative to noise. The first night we had everything all set up we had a few friends over. We didn't have the TV in the living room yet, so we instead played my iPod in one of those little speaker dock things. Well, the next day, Colonel Tattoo stops Rich and I and tells us to keep it down. Ok . . . whatever. Fast forward two weeks, we have some more people over. This time we have the TV in the living room and the surround sound set up. Anyways, the kids come over and we start watching Entourage (brilliant show, by the way,) and all of the sudden it sounds like our floor is going to collapse out from underneath us. Apparently General Dickhead thought it was too loud, and in his combative conditioned response decided to bang THE SHIT out of his cieling. Not once, not twice, but SIX TIMES! It shook the couch I was sitting on. Ok, I know Richard's speakers have the ability to to be ass-rockingly loud, but we were watching Entourage. Not motherfucking Transformers or something. Jesus. I hate his face and his ugly kids.

What else is new . . . well there's the Halo 3 thing. I suppose not supplying the interwebs with more material about "the most successful entertainment product" in history makes me a terrible person, gamer, and even a worse blogger. Halo 3 is an amazing game, but it isn't the industry-changing experience that Combat Evolved was. The single player campaign is exceptionally fun, yet laughably short. The real value comes from the multiplayer, which is really more like a competitive sport than a videogame. But yeah, if you have a 360 and enjoy a good round of shooting, pick it up.

In other news, two weeks ago was the insane Daft Punk/Vegoose music festival in Las Vegas. By a combination of chance and personal awesomeness, I managed to see both Daft Punk's first US show (Coachella '06) and their last (this here Vegoose thing.) Being pushed up against so many shirtless, dirty, sweaty hippies may have given me a mild case of ringworm, but I don't care. It was AMAZING! Those of you that are unfamiliar with the work of this Parisian robot duo are doing yourself a GREAT disservice. Go buy the Discovery album and look on Youtube.com for some videos of their live performances. The rest of the weekend was amazing, too. Walking around and drinking yards of stawberry daquiri while occassionally stopping to shop/watch a water ballet was a blast.

That's about all I've got so far. I need to head out to my teacher classes pretty soon. Hopefully tonight will end early enough for me to catch the new Tila Tequila. Yeah . . . I know. Don't say anything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

las vegas deserves an entire blog entry dedicated to that weekend. <3