Monday, November 26, 2007


Pretty much from the time you can walk, up until you're old enough to buy cigarettes, Christmas TOTALLY kicks ass. The combination of gifts and a lengthy vacation from school make it the best thing ever. Over the years I've still managed to maintain some level of excitement about the holidays, mostly by trying to hold onto what made it so exciting when I was a little kid.

This past weekend was an unexpected jump start to the season for me. Not only was EVERYONE in town, but I went shopping on Friday and enjoyed the unexpected snowfall on Saturday. Now I'm ready trees, lights, lavish gifts, and gluttony.
The snow as seen from the passenger's seat of my father's Jeep.

Even as I've gotten older I've strayed away from asking for "practical" gifts. Sure, sweaters and pants are great, but nothing beats a ridiculously fun gift that really don't need. Three years ago I wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metroid Prime 2. Two years ago, I asked for the original Guitar Hero and an extra guitar. Last year it was the Wii and Twilight Princess. Take a look at this year's totally awesome and totally unnecessary gift:
Please excuse my mediocre cellphone-photography skills.

Yes, that's what you think it is--Rock Band for PS3. The lucky winner of the Gift That Still Manages to Make Me Feel Like A Kid Award for 2007. Lugging this bulky, 40lb son of a bitch around the mall for an hour wasn't fun, but the resulting hernia will be totally worth it when I get to try to simultaneously drum and sing R.E.M.'s Orange Crush come Christmas morning. Yes!

If all this sounds a little materialistic, it's probably because it is. Having never subscribed to any of the religious aspects of the holidays, the season is pretty much just fond memories of giving and receiving gifts. There's also lights, food, family, the occasional snowfall, candy canes, and TV Christmas specials. Think of everything that Charlie Brown hated about Christmas and you'll get a good idea of what it is that I love about it.

I'll leave you with this photo of my three-foot-tall tree, as it illuminates my apartment with the electric-synthetic joys of Christmas that we all should embrace.

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