Thursday, February 7, 2008


Remember that episode of The Brady Bunch where the whole family (including the fucking maid!) packs up and heads to Hawaii? And then stupid-ass Peter finds that wacky little tiki statue that he swears is good luck, but everyone tells him it's not--because all this scary shit happens, like Greg almost dies surfing and that spider totally almost kills Peter! Anyways, in the end they go in a cave for some reason and almost get molested by Vincent Price. Remember that one?
Well, in March I'll be going to Hawaii and I hope it's exactly like that!

My friend Adam has some crazy email-notification thing that informs him about flights to Hawaii, and one came up for pennies. Literally pennies. 27,700 pennies, to be exact. What a deal!

In case you can't tell, I'm really goddamn excited about this. It should be good times. It will be good times. Even if it isn't as good as the Brady trip, it will at least be as good as the Saved By The Bell one.

Can't wait!

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