Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kirb Your Enthusiasm

The Smash Bros. thing still hasn't gotten old. Sorry, I promise I will only talk about it for a little while this time. My two favorite characters in the game are Meta Knight and King Dedede, both of which are from the Kirby universe. I've always loved Kirby. The charm of the characters always overshadowed the mohawked-baby-level difficulty and resulted in some really enjoyable games. Anyways, all this Smash Bros.-induced Kirby musing encouraged me to dust off my copy of Kirby's Adventure for the NES and start playing it again. And needless to say; brilliance ensued.

I'm in Yogurt Land right now, and I fucking love it. It's amazing how much animation they managed to pull out of the NES. Kirby's gelatinous body reacts exactly how you'd expect to the environments and situations. The gameplay is also spot-on, which you would expect from any platformer developed in-house at Nintendo. This was also the first Kirby game that allowed you steal your enemies' abilities by eating them. The variety and usefulness of these power-ups keeps things interesting. I highly recommend it if you have a functioning NES or a Wii, since it's available on Virtual Console.

I wish Nintendo would get on the fucking ball and hurry up and release Kirby's Dreamland 3 on the Virtual Console. Sadly, I missed this particular Kirby outing when it was originally released on the SNES. I blame it on the fact that the SNES was gasping its dying breaths underneath trampling "32-bit" and "64-bit" consoles. It's sad, really. But I will play it someday!

I made two purchases today. One of which won't be here for a few days because I bought it online. Oh, and fuck you Best Buy for not carrying it. You have about 70 copies of Wild Hogs on Blu-Ray, but you can't spare the shelf-space for a masterpiece?!
My other purchase was a wild-hair sort of thing. I'm sure that my memory has been kind to this show, and that actually seeing will tarnish my childhood in some irrevocable way . . . but fuck it. This is sitting in my living room and I'm watching it tonight!

In other materialistic news, the Dual Shock 3 hits next week with a $55 price tag. I've been pretty vocal about how I'm totally over rumble, which I am, but I think I'll be forced to pick this up. You see, the SIXAXIS is the PS3's current standard controller, and it's perfectly functional, only it weighs about 5 micrograms. There's no substance to it. No heft. Anyone who knows me knows that I need heft. Oh, and it comes in white, too. Bitchin'.

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